Money Tips to Buy a House

NOW LIVE!! Learn today in a digital workshop – get it here for only $39!

“Thank you!! What an incredibly well composed and USEFUL workshop! We were so glad to take part, grateful for the reality check, and excited to put what we learned to work. Thank you!!”

– 2020 workshop attendee

In this 90-minute workshop, you will:

  • Understand the biggest surprise home purchase expenses and how to be ready for them
  • Become better prepared (credit, income, debt) to apply for a mortgage
  • Be familiar with the team and tasks you’ll need to help you be successful
  • Define the value to you, and estimate your true cost to buy a home
  • Review tips for before, during, and after you buy to save you money and headaches
  • BONUS: Learn competitive market strategies + a savings plans to get your down payment together

If you sign up for the digital course, you will immediately get:

  • The 90-minute workshop as a video, AND audio recording, AND printed deck — learn how YOU want to
  • True Cost calculator template — to understand YOUR costs to buy and maintain your home
  • An exercise to determine the value to YOU of buying
  • BONUS resources, links, and places to learn more!

This workshop is for you if:

  • You find financial systems stressful or sketchy and you want the honest truth about home buying
  • You want to know what it really takes, financially, to buy a home
  • You are imagining you will buy in the next two months to two years
  • You already have savings, or are planning ways to save / get money and need to know how much!
  • Are planning on using a mortgage (buying in cash? You’ll still get value from this, but know we focus a lot on financing)
  • Have any kind of friends / collectives / land project in mind and need ideas
  • Work for yourself or want to know about down payment hacks and grants


Grab the digital course today for only $39 + get the video/audio recording, guidebook, true cost calculator + resources NOW

Sign up for an upcoming session of this live remote workshop here, $49 (access the digital course + handout + worksheet after!) The live workshop has limited seats, and time for Q&A and exercises so YOU understand your actual costs to expect.

If you want a learning warm up – read this MEGA post on buying. or this post on navigating buying a house with your friends.