Partners Coaching

Hello! I am currently taking new coaching clients, read more below or sign up here. Alternatively, partners who share finances get a lot from this self-paced, video-based digital workshop instead.

“Just wanted to express gratitude for all your money teachings and tips! My sweetie and I are using it together and it’s helped us talk about money and planning with less shame and guilt.” — RM.

Partners’ sessions are for people whose finances are deeply interconnected: romantic partners, platonic life partners, triads, poly families, etc.

It’s for you who might want to:

  • understand and name shared values and plan for shared goals,
  • support each other in personal financial goals,
  • define clear plans for ongoing financial interdependence,
  • approach being in a cross-class relationship with intention and care,
  • understand how to share a budget and track money with someone else, or
  • tap in someone to help you untangle a sticky-feeling money problem.

One thing I LOVE about working with partners is the built-in cheerleader(s) each of you have.

Seriously, the coolest things happen when we work together on money with the people we’ve picked to build our foundations with!

Book a 2-hour Partners Session here.

When, how and how much?

Sessions are available: Sundays 2p-8p ET and Mondays 4p-8p ET via a Zoom video call. You’ll choose the time that works best for you when you book.

After or when you book, you’ll be invited to fill out a coaching intake form. From the info in that, each partner will be given optional customized prep work for the appointment. I recommend booking at least a week out so you have time to do any prep work and ruminate on the work beforehand, and I’m often booked out 2+ weeks in advance.

The rate for a two-hour intake appointment is $425.

Because there are at least two people involved, there’s complexity, and so intake sessions with partners are two hours. In my experience, we will use every minute.

What happens at an appointment?

Based on what you stated you want to focus on, I use an agile approach to identify and prioritize the most valuable problems to solve, and we focus in on those. As we go “down the list” of what you want to work on, we’ll spend a little less time on each thing.

Expect to leave with a customized resource list and action steps document, and a set up spending, savings, or debt plan. Oh, AND with lots of ideas, excitement, and hopefulness. 🙂


  1. Book an appointment here.
  2. After you have an appointment, fill out a coaching intake form

When is this not a great pick? 

Are there four or more of you? Are you trying to do something relatively complex like build a mutual agreement on cost-sharing for a compound you’re buying or a cooperative business buy-in/sweat equity model? Are you actually looking to get an educational workshop together for multiple members of your group? For larger group work that you think will need more than two hours, check out the Intensive Co-creation group workshop plan.

Are you trying to manage a large estate or multiple properties? I can (and have) helped many cross-class couples and same-class couples process emotional work and set up great relational structures as related to wealth; however you very well will need or want an estate attorney if you’re thinking about protecting assets and your partner. I have a few great recommendations!

Get the support you need!

When and you and your partner(s) are ready, book a session or — if you’re worried about making the time work, or the cost, check out the Partners Make Peace and Plans with Money Toolkit, a self-guided, resource-heavy, step-by-step guide to working on money with others. You come out with shared goals and start to work through the steps to get going on them in this Toolkit!