Money Tips to Buy a Home

Buying a home is freaking stressful - in part, because few people understand how it works from start to end.

To change that: Learn what to expect, so you can get ready!

In this 90-minute workshop, you will:

  • Understand the biggest surprise home purchase expenses and how to be ready for them
  • Become better prepared (credit, income, debt) to apply for a mortgage
  • Be familiar with the team and tasks you’ll need to help you be successful
  • Define the value to you, and estimate your true cost to buy a home
  • Review tips for before, during, and after you buy to save you money and headaches
  • BONUS: Learn competitive market strategies + a savings plans to get your down payment together

After you sign up, you will immediately get:

  • A 90-minute workshop as a video, AND audio recording, AND printed deck -- learn the way YOU prefer
  • A "True Cost To Buy" calculator template -- understand YOUR costs to purchase, move into, fix up, and maintain your home
  • An exercise to determine the value to YOU of buying
  • BONUS resources, links, and places to learn more!

This workshop is for you if:

  • You find financial systems stressful or sketchy and you want the honest truth about home buying
  • You want to know what it really takes, financially, to buy a home
  • You are imagining you will buy in the next two months to two years
  • You already have savings, or are planning ways to save / get money and need to know how much!
  • Are planning on using a mortgage (buying in cash? You'll still get value from this, but know we focus a lot on financing)
  • Have any kind of friends / collectives / land project in mind and need ideas
  • Work for yourself or want to know about down payment hacks and grants

We don’t cover:

  • How to make your house look ig-worthy (I just can’t help you)
  • House hunting, search, or contract tips (get your realtor on that one)