Pricing for Sustainability e-Course

If you’re not bringing in the money you mean to, or if you’re struggling to figure out what to charge to be sustainable, this course is for you!

In this workshop, you’ll work through exercises that guide you to:

  • Envision and name your minimum, medium, and maximal income you hope to get from your work
  • Reality test, creating a snapshot of what revenue is real right now
  • Go through a generative process where you organize the work you do — and learn your average hourly rate
  • Imagine how you want to impact your business revenue and the world by ideating a few new strategies and pricing levels
  • Revise your business pricing or offerings and make an implementation plan
  • Finally, you’ll return to your envisioned income and check if your new plan moves the needle for you towards where you want your income to go

Plus, you’ll get stories, data about what others charge, ideas to integrate justice-focused approaches, and new ways to think about earning money for a more sustainable life.

$97 // Click here to access the step-by-step video course and templates now

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