As far as I’m concerned, Pride means Fight For Others. It means Advocate Like Hell for Dignity for All. And now that we are – thankfully – 50+ years in, from Gay liberation and the Lavender menace all the way to now, I like to take a look at how we’re doing.
So, shout out to the St Louis Federal Reserve, who did some analysis for us!

Pride means LGBTQ people fight to uphold the dignity and the rights of other people, and to create a world in which all can live without discrimination and unrestricted by marginalization.
Without money, that is hard. More than 1 in 5 LGBTQ households live on under $25k a year, leading to hard everyday choices about what to access and what to skip. People who identify as bisexual women, anyone transgender or non-binary tend to have fewer assets [like money in the bank, or a house] than people with other gender and sexuality experiences. And – surprising no one – lesbian couple households have half the wealth of mixed-sex couples. This under-resourcing will lead to hard choices both now and later in life for these people. When we fight to end marginalization, we fight for equal access to a decent life, for all.
Finally, we fight to create better pathways to a decent life, ones that don’t have to include work in extractive or harmful fields; for a life that prioritizes people and planet over profit. LGBTQ people frequently work in fields that pay less, in order to do more good in their work. We fight for these roles to be equally compensated, and for the dignity and value of all labor.
I love #LGBTQIA+ folks for so many reasons and one is that we prioritize joy.
Today, a reminder that it is a good thing to bring joy and enjoyment into your life, and money can support that.
Obviously this can get toxic BUT it doesn’t have to. You could just make sure you have some extra fun money and then go have some fun with it.

Is it just my lesbian competency speaking or is the narrative that queer folks suck at math just trying to gaslight me?