Divest/Invest day 5: Radical Philanthropy and Giving Circles

Day five of the Divest/Invest challenge series! Today I’m looking with some depth at donating, philanthropy, and giving money with the help of my smart friend who works in philanthropy and donor outreach, Nicole Myles:

Some gems from our conversation include insights like:

“Poor and working class people are already philanthropists – we give each other money all the time.

The most impacted hold the most strategy.

Giving circles are a way to organize; you can autonomously create them to help, for example, create a community rent fund OR use them institutionally in tiers to put decision-making power into the hands of people who are most affected, not just the largest donors.”

If you’re someone working on how to give money in alignment with your values AND your budget, have I got a resource for you: read about resilient giving plans here, and download a chapter of my book on resilient giving by dropping your email into the box above or below.
Nicole works with the Third Wave Fund, a regranting organization that supports some seriously amazing work across the US, and is led by and for women of color, intersex, queer, and trans folks under 35 years old. Full disclosure: I’m a monthly donor to them – and I’d love it if you considered donating to them too. Here’s where you can do that.

Each day through Sunday Dec 3, I’ll share a live video or interview on fb and my blog for you to learn ways to use your money that are smart, strategic, and matter.

You can get started with a free course on bank divesting, and I’m encouraging folks to take at least three actions over the challenges’ 10 days. Share your progress on social media using #HackingCapitalism to win!